Thursday, June 2, 2011

Jobs n Career Moves

How did I forget to write an update down....

Salve declined Job number 1 because they were giving him so little time to decide though it was in the industry of his interest... He didnt like the little money he would be making. Salve then went on two other interviews with another company in Burlington but wasnt given the Job offer. He was down for a couple days. I did my best to cheer him up and tell him I have no doubts that he wont find a Job soon. Then he gets a call for another interview... He was so fired up and amp'd. HE went into that Job and HE got the Job Offer on the SPOT. Benefits and projected to make $50,000/ his first years. He called Mom n Dad  first                                                                                                                                                                  Then I got my phone call, He was so emotional n close to tears.
He starts June 13th
We Went Suit shopping... He was looking scrumptious, I have pics to post up

Then when I saw him a couple days later... He gave me the greatest words of encouragement. At first, he was being silly with it. Screaming how he trynna be a millionaire but then he got serious and said With just us Two, His and Mine motivation and ambition he knows we will be living comfortable and if not more. Just him talking about my character and building me up, about how special Iam made me realize how Lucky Iam.

All in All, Iam a lucky girl to have Salve and just few months into the relationship but He is fully into n invested into our relationship.

Fast Forward today

Part II of this blog is to talk about my Job, I cant call it a career because it certainly isn't where I ever pictured myself being at. I like it for now, Iam doing well but I dont want to get stuck doing this job years down the line. After 4-years of college being so close to my bachelors degree that I can taste it, I feel like a failure. I f*ckd up. Financial issues kicked it, Scholarship money ran out with me still needing 10 credits to walk across that stage. I left CT empty-handed after years of studying n burning the midnight oil.

So Today I walked into the staff kitchen and there it is; this Flyer about a Free Scholarship program at Boston University. And with the completion of four courses n a 2-week internship I will receive 12 Free college credits which I can put toward an undergraduate bachelors degree.  I called n went on the websites fearing I would have to give up my job to be able to do this.... I work M-F 8:30am to 5pm and classes begins Sept 1st M-Thurs 5:30p t0 8:00pm. It fits perfect into my schedule, I wont be out socializing much at all but I will have my weekends to rest and catch up with the boyfriend, friends n family.

Yes I will be applying and Iam Hoping n Praying I get accepted.

What are the chances? Even for some bad reason I cant use it towards my bachelors degree, I still get a certificate that I can use to pursue a meaningful career in a hospital or biotech n research lab.


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